Planet Phoebe

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Phoebe 'Farewell Doris'

Phoebe ‘Farewell Doris’ by Kaz Clarke

It was time for Phoebe to clean up her act and Doomsday Doris was the first to go. This dreary little pest had been in her ear for way too long and Phoebs had had enough. She had tried ignoring her, sticking fingers in her ears and even ‘La, la, laaing' but Doris just wouldn't budge. And just when she thought that she had silenced this pessimistic pest, she heard the all too familiar drone of, "I told you so!". Argh…

Then it occurred to Phoebe that this was actually the perfect situation to use the dreaded F word..


And with that, she not only freed herself of that annoying critic, BUT also overcame her fear of the F word. Touche!

P.S. Directed solely at the pesky little critic on my shoulder and no particular person called Doris. I'm sure they are all lovely... xo